Tuesday, April 17, 2012

They Even Took Away the Logo

Until two years ago, MTV was actually trying to cover up what they were doing to their network.  The logo still actually said "music television" under the giant M.  We all knew it wasn't music television anymore, but they didn't seem to want to admit it.  Today, the logo is the same, minus the music television part under it.  Actually it isn't even the same; the M is hollowed out, so that they can change it every few hours.  They feature different celebrity faces in the M shape, mostly the stars of their reality shows.  Sometimes, you'll even see a singer or band's face in there.  It's rare though, even though it is Music Television.  Many people wonder when the network owners are just going to change the name completely, or at least think of something clever for the M to stand for besides "music." Other bloggers often comment or post saying, "bring back the music, PLEASE."


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