Thursday, April 12, 2012

They Only Play Music When No One Wants Music

MTV has been around since 1981.  For about 20 years, they played nothing but music videos and music related media.  Now, you can turn to MTV at almost any time of the day to catch a "reality" TV show full of drama, screaming, alcohol abuse, and pregnancies.  Actually, from 3am to 8am, music videos are aired.  The hours of the night where most people are either sleeping, or can not sleep and the last thing they want to do is watch music videos, is when you can catch music on "Music Television" network!  It should be the other way around.  I remember even when I was growing up, if my friends and I were just hanging out or getting ready to go somewhere, we would click to MTV to have some background music.  Now, that would never be an option; we have to use the computer to get our music and music video fix.


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