Sunday, April 15, 2012

Terrible Changes

In the past, people watched MTV for hours on end to get their music video fix.  There is nothing wrong with that at all.  Music is good for the soul and brings happiness into people's lives.  It gives people something in common, and acts as a way to emphasize one's current emotions.  Today, people watch MTV for hours on end and just get brainwashed.  MTV currently seems to specialize in marathons.  Whether it's Jersey Shore, Real World, or Teen Mom that's on from 12pm to 3 am, it isn't music.  It's drama, yelling, underage drinking, sex, and swearing.  Any kind of extremely inappropriate situation you can imagine- MTV's got you covered.  It reels people in though; it gets them hooked and doesn't let them go.  MTV has really taken a turn in the last decade from healthy and positive, to brainwashing and addicting.


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